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Small Business - Article Category
7 Things Successful Small Business Owners Do
Are you wondering how some small business owners manage to keep above all those challenges? Here are 7 things that successful small business owners do.
Best Small Business Tips and Ideas
Deciding to start a business can be one of the most exhilarating decisions you make in your life. We are living in a world wherever everyone wants to make extra money and add to his income. Most people have achieved this by acquiring great business ideas. When one starts up a company, he must be ready to meet competition. It is important to note that you would not need to become rich or popular to succeed in business but have to think smartly. But there are a lot of moving parts and many different elements to consider.
3 Sources Where Your Small Business Can Get A Loan Today - Yes, Even Your Small Business
Why are you not applying for a small business loan? Do you think you will be turned down? Not so. Here are three places you need to apply today.
Settle Your Small Business Taxes With a Peer-To-Peer Loan
Like the saying goes, "The only things certain in life are death and taxes." Unfortunately, small businesses know this saying all too well. Unlike employees who look forward to their refund every April, small businesses loath the approaching spring, knowing they will have to pay Uncle Sam its share of their profits. Each year, small businesses struggling to turn a profit in an increasingly competitive business environment must pay taxes in order to keep their doors open.
Top 10 Marketing Books for Small Business Owners
Unlike big business owners, small business owners have the burden of taking care of every single aspect of their business - recruitment, marketing, finance, accounts, managing employees to managing vendors, and so forth. But here we focused only on books that can help you gain marketing knowledge and skills. Here are the top 10 books on marketing which we believe are helpful for new as well as established small business owners.
5 Secrets That Will Thrust Your Small Business Into the Big League
There are 28 million small businesses in the US. The sad reality is that most of them fail within the first few years of operation. The small percentage that survive stay small forever. A select few manage to grow into huge businesses. But why them and not the others? What are the factors that enable unknowns to become household brands? One thing for sure that it takes much more than hard work, luck, and timing. Read on to see if your small business has what it takes to make the leap into the big league?
21 Top Marketing Mistakes Small Business Owners Make
A business owner who is fully knowledgeable about his company, product or service and the detail analysis of its target niche audience, sets and plans his marketing strategies based on the uniqueness of its business offering and thinks outside the box. To do so he must be aware of the competition and niche market and never assume the product or service will sell for itself. Marketing is the heart of every business and keeps the health of the company in balance.
The Three Biggest Lead Generation Mistakes Small Businesses Make And How To Overcome Them
Businesses today are led to believe that all they have to do to build a successful business is create some type of attention-grabbing form of marketing and they will generate leads at will. Nothing could be further from the truth. In this article I am going to reveal to you the three biggest lead generation mistakes small business owners make... and outline how you can overcome them.
Small Business Management
Running a small business has it share of ups and downs. When I launched my company nearly nine years ago, running my own small business has been both rewarding and challenging. It has enabled me to establish greater balance in my life as I have reduced the administrative burden that corporate America places on each of its employees and replaced it with more time spent on developing content for my clients. Given the choice, running my own small business is the best option for me at this stage of my life. I can work out of my house, see my kid on a regular basis, focus my work effort on content, rather than administration, and yes golf a tad. That being said, I am asked continually by others "what is it like to be in business for yourself?" as they contemplate the leap from corporate to sole proprietorship.
Small Business Project Management: Six Pros and Cons
Projects and project management are sometimes thought to be the exclusive domain of larger companies. However, projects are simply the means by which we introduce change in organisations, so all businesses, large and small, that are attempting to change and adapt by definition are carrying out projects. Common examples of projects in small businesses may include setting up a company website, establishing the office in a new location, or implementing a new product. For ambitious small companies looking to grow and expand, the need to initiate the right projects and achieve the desired results is even more vital than it is for huge national and multi-national businesses. This article examines six reasons why small businesses avoid adopting a project management approach to managing change and how small business would benefit from a systematic, project approach.
Four Reasons Why Small Business Fail To Plan and Why They Need To Think Again
It is so widely acknowledged that a robust business plan is one of the key ingredients in small business success, it seems remarkable that anyone serious about their business could considerable it optional. However, a recent survey shows that two thirds of small business owners run their businesses on gut instinct alone. There are four common reasons why small businesses fail to plan. These are I am too busy to plan, traditional planning doesn't work, my business is doing fine without detailed planning and planning is futile in a chaotic world. This article explores the idea that small business planning is essential, not just despite the four reasons for not planning discussed here but precisely because of these four reasons for not planning.
Dialing In on Mobile Apps for Small Business For More Fans to Become Customers
With a growing number of mobile apps for small business it can be easy to get off course. This article targets the most important factor that attracts the most fans from your desired audience. Next an important discussion about how to leverage that into more incremental growth that most small businesses completely ignore. Attracting more more fans you can convert into new customers is made much easier with choosing and designing just the right mobile apps for small business.
Barrier Busters of the Top 6 Most Common Misperceptions of Mobile Small Business Apps
Small business owners tend to stick with what's familiar longer than they should. Traditional local advertising methods have a declining audience. With a sputtering economy, mobile small business apps have made exciting breakthroughs to make it a very attractive alternative. With smart phone and tablet users exploding globally small business owners are wise to use small business apps to reach a world gone mobile.
How to Get Financing For Your Small Business
In today's hostile economic environment, access to capital is the primary differentiating factor between those businesses which have been able to expand and gain market share versus those that have experienced enormous drops in revenue. The reason many small businesses have seen their sales and cash flow drop dramatically, many to the point of closing their doors, while many large U.S. corporations ...
10 Good Reasons Why Small Enterprises (Small Businesses) Fail
This article not only lists the ten good reasons why small businesses fail but also lists reasons why some firms remain to be small throughout their operating life. Some of the causes of failure is poor management, lack of commitment...
How Accounting Software Can Ensure Small Business Owners Have a Happy Christmas!
Christmas time is one of the happiest times of the year for most people. Unfortunately, it can also be one of the most stressful times of the year for others. With the challenging trading conditions that currently exist there are concerns about the mental state of small business owners heading into this years festive season. This article explains how accounting software and sound financial discipline can help small business owners enjoy a happy Christmas this year.
Tips for Growing Your Small Business
Consumers have so many choices when it comes to choosing the right business for their needs. The first decision they must make is whether to go with a small or big business. Small businesses are able to focus on their mission and keep their fingers on the pulse of their customers.
Work-Life Balance Tips for Small Businesses
With the majority of businesses in United States and in San Diego County operating as small businesses, work-life balance is necessary to continue and grow. This article contains three tips to create better work-life balance.
Internet Marketing for Small Business - The Vital Truth
As a small business owner it's our natural tendency to approach everything with a hint of skepticism. There are so many 'next big things' that it's oftentimes difficult to distinguish between a passing trend and a legitimate evergreen marketing strategy for a small business.
10 Things Every Small Business Should Do To Be Successful in Today's Tough Market Conditions
Today's business climate is extremely tough for small businesses. It is easy for small business owners to lose their way momentarily and suddenly become embroiled in negative financial spiral that can threaten the businesses very survival. This article reveals 10 critical areas of focus that an accounting software package enables a business to address in order to steer towards a secure and successful long term future.
The Point of Budgeting In Small Business
Too many small businesses operate without budgets. And many small businesses that do have budgets aren't getting as much out of them as they could. This article explains the whys and hows.
How to Operate Your Small Business for Maximum Efficiency and Profitability
As far as I am concerned, one of the primary reasons the washout rate for small business owners is so high is because too many investors fail to place enough emphasis on getting the maximum return on every dollar and hour that they put into their small business. Instead, they seem to be more concerned about frivolous stuff like the color of their business cards. In any small business endeavor, a lack of focus, coupled with the inability to prioritize tasks, is a recipe for failure.
Small Business Growth: It Can Kill Your Business
That's right! Growth can kill your business. As a self-employed business owner, entrepreneur or solo professional most of you are compelled to seek small business growth.
A Small Business Phone System Puts Small Companies in the Big League
A small business phone system can help a small business to operate more efficiently as well as minimize communication costs. Unfortunately, most phone systems are given little consideration when a business is first starting out. Communication with business clients and customers is essential to any successful business and should be given careful consideration before the final decision is made.
Starting Up a Small Business Concerns
If you are looking into the idea of starting up a small business there are a few things you should know before taking the leap. Small business is tricky business and unless you know what you are doing you will end up like the majority of people who give business a try by shutting your doors in 2 years or less. The up side is that you can be successful in starting up a small business if you keep in mind a few main realities.