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Small Business - Article Category
Small Business ERP - Be Aware of These Things
Small Businesses have unique ERP needs. Find out how to select the Small Business ERP solutions will work for you.
Role of Small Businesses in Employment in USA
Small businesses in USA are leading all the way in contributing to economy in terms of employment. Surveys conducted by U.S Chamber of Commerce, reveal small businesses as the primary sources for job creation, pushing down the big businesses and federal government agencies.
Pittsburgh Accounting - How To Find The Best Accounting Firm In Pittsburgh For Your Small Business
In this article, we provide readers with key facts about Pittsburgh and how to search for a small business accounting firm in Pittsburgh. In addition, we provide several important questions to ask an accounting firm to determine the best one for their small business.
SBA Loans and the New Small Business Bill
The Small Business Administration offers low cost business loans to the small business community to spark growth, business start-ups, and international commerce. The new $30 billion small business bill expresses that SBA loans will be easier to acquire by small business borrowers with lower fees and larger guarantees.
"The Small Business Success Guide" by Margie Sheedy
We all hear about the alarming statistics stating spectacular rates of failure for small business in Australia. The numbers are enough to scare off most budding entrepreneurs. Surprisingly, we hear little about the key success factors.
This Week in Small Business
Since 1994, I've been running my own small business (it's a consulting firm that helps clients with customer relationship management). In the early years, the best way to get information was by reading a few self-help business books and visiting a couple of Web sites once in a while. Now it seems as if there are a million Web sites and books and experts all trying to tell me how to succeed. And another million bloggers and pundits interpreting the daily political, economic and cultural news and events that affect my company. What small-business owner has the time to sort through all of this stuff?
Why You Want to Partner With A Small Business Coach-Advisor
According to The National Federation of Independent Business [NFIB] Education Foundation, over the lifetime of any small business, 30 percent will lose money, 30 percent will break even, and just fewer than 40 percent will be profitable. The Small Business Administration [SBA] reports that 50 percent of all small business fail after their first year, 33 percent fail after two years, and nearly 60 percent fail after four years. A Business Coach and Advisor will work with you to help avoid becoming an SBA or NFIB Education Foundation statistic on their list of small business failures.
Small Business Access to Credit - The Startling Facts You Need to Understand to Clear the Hurdles
High risk businesses (and even some non-risk businesses) have an extremely difficult time finding and obtaining business credit. So, why are lenders so afraid to lend out funding to start-up and current businesses? Let's take a look the real side of small business access to credit....
How to Educate Small Business Owners About Internet Marketing
When a person runs a small business, they are usually either working with a very small team or even all on their own. Usually, the expertise of that team is going to be devoted to the area of business that they are in, not towards internet marketing. As a result of this, many small business owners don't really understand what marketing small businesses online requires.
Should Small Businesses Start Hiring Again Or Fear the Future?
Many small business fear expansion right now, they fear hiring additional employees, and they are completely worried about the future. Should they be? We know that community banks are worried and there are not a lot of small business loans going on right now. Indeed, as a former franchisor before retirement it is my contention that I wouldn't pour money into a small business right now, much less touch it with a ten-foot pole.
The Intelligence Community and Small Business Contracting - Small Business Set-Asides
Contracting for the Federal Government is a major industry and small businesses play an important part. Because small businesses tend to be more innovative and agile, they provide goods and services that the Government requires on a cost effective basis.
What is a Small Business? - It May Not Be What You Think
This may seem like a dumb question, because we all know that any business with 500 or fewer employees is considered a small business. Unfortunately, we are also wrong. The SBA sets the size standards and you might be surprised at what they consider a small business.
A Small Business Advisor Makes Good Business Sense
Let's face it. When you're first starting up a business, you need help and advice. Even if you have an MBA from Harvard or are an experienced entrepreneur, you need someone to bounce ideas off of and check in with to make sure you're on track for business success. Just as having a financial advisor manage your investment portfolio makes good financial sense, having a small business advisor who offers a comprehensive, long-term approach makes good business sense. Find out how.
Small Business Servers - A Need For Change
Many small businesses don't have an IT department or anyone experienced enough to handle even basic IT tasks like backup, system restoration, patching or updates. In most cases, they rely on a local business partner (typically an IT consultant or local IT support company) to handle these tasks.
Health Reform Changes Affecting Small Business
Owners of small businesses and their workers could be severely impacted by the recently enacted health reform legislation. Some key provisions related to tax credits, new excise taxes, penalties, and some higher taxes, all of which depend on a number of factors such as number of full time employees in the business, average incomes of the employees etc. This article will provide you an overview of its significance to self employed taxpayers who have less than ten full time employees.
Top Ways to Turn Your Small Business Into a Business Empire
There are millions of people who are running their small or home businesses. Most of the small businesses fails in one or two years because they are started in routine way. These businesses face the problems of lack of capital, competitions and lack of demand for their product. We will show you as how some of the ordinary people turned their small business ideas into a business empires.
Starting a Small Business - How to Work Smart, Not Hard
Are you one of the many who dream about starting a small business? Do you struggle to find the right opportunity?
Business Ethics - Why Are They Important in Small Business?
Rarely is there the individual who does not encounter an ethical or moral dilemma at some point in his or her business life. Whether that individual is the owner of a multinational corporation, a small business entrepreneur, or a new or established employee, everyone is likely to have to face such an instance eventually.
Small Business Lending - Where Manufacturers Should Go When the Banks Say "No"
According to the 2010 CFO Outlook, published by Bank of America, 69% of manufacturing company CFOs are considering financing in 2010, up significantly from last year. The top two reasons for small business financing are working capital and capital expenditures.
7 Keys on How to Communicate Your Small Business Marketing Strategy
Men and women in small businesses don't have the same marketing muscle as large businesses. Trying to create a brand and image like big corporations - on a small business budget is a recipe for disaster. A small business simply doesn't have the advertising budget needed to build a big corp brand and to gain recognition in the market through branding in the big-boy budget way.
3 P's Drive Small Business Success in 2010
What a year! For many, 2009 is a year they would like to forget. Between over-leveraged mortgages, banks that failed or were too big to fail, and a restructuring of the auto industry, many individuals and businesses alike are ready to ring in 2010 with a more hopeful outlook.
Small Business Health Insurance - An Employer's Guide to Getting Small Business Health Insurance
This is an informative guide to small business health insurance. Learn about the different plans that are available, how to choose agents and brokers, as well as how to save on your plan.
Is Your Small Business Using Internet Marketing Strategies to Attract Customers Like a Magnet?
Smart business people are leveraging the power of Internet marketing strategies to attract more qualified customers to their small business. Small Businesses that you would not expect to find on the Internet are now using online marketing to draw in customers like a magnet. Traditional small business marketing methods are expensive and the results are not measurable. Positioning yourself as the expert in your field and providing valuable information to your potential customers will magically attract qualified prospects to you. This article will provide valuable small business marketing ideas to help you develop marketing strategies for your small business.
Effective PR For a Small Business on a Budget - Get Local and Get Online!
Growing your PR strategy involves leveraging two tactics -- ensuring your business is well represented online and is present in the media and at social functions around town. Nowadays, blending both the old and new methods to drum up PR for your small business is an absolute must, and the tools that are available will help you create and establish your brand much faster. Continue reading to find out the best tips on creating PR for your business.
Small Business Marketing Plan - Increase Your Business Profit Without Breaking Your Marketing Budget
Most small business owners fail when it comes to their small business marketing plans. They've got excellent technical skills in their line of work, but that just doesn't translate to having effective marketing skills.